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Piano Keys

You Can Learn to Play the Piano -
No Kidding!

Customized Piano Instruction

for New or Returning

Adult Students

Why now?
Why not!

It's truly never too late to learn!

Music making is for everyone.  Play is for everyone.  Self expression is for everyone.  Learning is for everyone.  Somewhere along our journey to adulthood, we adopted the idea that it was time to switch our focus from creating to maintaining.  Sometimes we do have to keep things running and of course we have to keep up with all of our responsibilities.  But if we don’t find moments to reconnect with that playful, creative spark, however small it may seem, we are actually making the “adulting” more difficult than it needs to be.


Camille Villalpando Rolla

Pianist, Music Director, Educator

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All of us have had early experiences with music.  Some are joyful, like an impromptu jam session with pots and pans at Grandma’s house.  Some might be painful, like when a stressed out music teacher made you feel that you couldn’t carry a tune.  You probably have a combination of both of these types of experiences and now maybe your musical outlets are limited to a steering wheel drum solo at a red light, or singing hymns at church, but not so loudly that you draw attention.  Maybe you took piano lessons as a child, but quit for any number of reasons.  Maybe you were so busy with sports or academics that you never had time for lessons.  But music is still there and you can connect (or reconnect) with it right now.



One of the ways you can make this connection is with individualized instruction customized to your specific goals — in other words, music lessons.  Beginning (or continuing) lessons as an adult is a far different experience than what you might imagine (or remember) as a child.  One of the most important differences is the “Why?” — why are you taking lessons and what do you want to accomplish?  There are an infinite number of answers to those questions, but my favorite is "Why not?"   

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